Monday, December 31, 2012

Friendships & snow families

Random blog post: the story of Norm

Norm's story is not so norm. My friend Rachel made the cutest snowman at church a couple weeks ago, and he had no name at the beginning of his short life. We talked and talked over what his name could be, and none seem to fit. I jokingly said "it can't be a normal name, that's too norm". We just started busting out laughing. His name would be Norm :)

The other snowman is Norm's mom Norma. She had a short life too, and was kicked down by little children after church. I'm hoping to make Norm's father soon and name him Norman.

Keeping you updated one snow-creation at a time :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Babysitting: winter edition

I love babysitting. Especially babysitting beautiful, wonderful, hilarious, and loving girls. I spent the whole day with these darlings and made so many memories. My best friend Sierra joined me, and I'm so thankful she did. We had a blast!

There was a fresh blanket of snow outside just waiting to be rolled in. The girls got all suited up, and bundled in fluffy pink and purple hats and mittens. They ran over the bridge and over to the snow covered play set to glide down the slide. Maddie tried to build a snowman, but the snow wasn't "packing snow". I gathered them all together and took the classic slide photo. Silly gals.

Once they were tired of the cold, they all came in and played Mario cart. Then came dinner. Oh what a time we had. Luckily Maddie loved ramen noodles and ate her noodles without a problem. Callie wanted noodles. Or so she said. Miranda wanted a fried egg. I have a whole different understanding of a fried egg than she did. Maddie and Miranda argued for ten minutes over what it was. I asked Miranda to tell me how to cook it. She said not runny ( so all the way through) I cooked it and she made the yuck face. She wanted the yolk dippy (runny), which she said she didn't want. Made her another egg.

I gave Callie her noodles. yuck face. "I want egg" she said. So I made her an egg, and she didn't want it. Sierra and I told her she couldn't leave the table till she ate her egg. Shannon and Caitie made cake, Callie wanted some cake. I told her no cake until the egg was gone. She ate the egg.

Babysitting was at times tough, but so worth it. I was called to be a missionary and teach children about God's infinite love. There is so much to learn from the innocence and love of a child. The bond between myself and the girls is priceless to me.